Private Services

We do not maintain a private patient list separate from our NHS list. NHS services are always provided free of charge.

Where patients request that we carry out work for them that falls outside that provided by the NHS – such as examinations required for HGV licences, or examination or reports for outside agencies – such as solicitors and insurance companies – there will be a charge.

We also are required to charge for any letter, certificate or form that is not funded under the NHS services. This includes housing letters, Private sick notes (within first 7 calendar days of illness), fitness to travel letters, and letter for school/colleges.
The payment can ONLY be passed to an employer if they formally request the information, but otherwise the payment would rest with the patient.

We will aim to try and complete any of these forms / letters in around 10 working days, but sometimes delays can occur.

 You will always be advised of the cost in advance and asked to sign agreement to these costs before the task is undertaken.

If you require guaranteed completion within a set time frame, this may be possible but the following surcharges would apply:

Within 10 working days – 25% extra
Within 5 working days – 50% extra
Within 3 working days – 75% extra
Within 24 hours – 100% extra ( Subject to availability of GPs)

If you require further information please ask at reception.

Please do NOT book NHS appointments with GPs to discuss private letters or forms, as these will not be able to completed at the time and waiting for an appointment will only delay the completion of the letter/form.

Private appointments are available to discuss urgent forms at a charge.

*subject to all information required supplied to GP at start of time-scale.